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Friday, April 11, 2008

Pro et Contra for Internet moneymaking

Let's face it. We all need money for good living. And internet is biggest place in modern world where you can earn it. Do you want to be sentenced 20-to-life working 9-to-5, or you prefer to earn your's needed monthly income from your's nice and cozy home, at the same time spending more quality lifetime with your's friends, family and do whatever you like to do? I think that answer on this rhetorical question is simple. Another question, following this, is:do you KNOW HOW to make money on internet? Well, this one is not so rhetoric as first one. Unless you are one of the moneymaking guru's, you can start on your own, making SOME good and MANY bad decisions (as I did, believe me, VERY painful experience), or you can use internet magic stuff, like google or yahoo search engine, to try to find best opportunities and exploit it. Two more things, or should I say, rules: one is obvious - "no pain, no gain", try to minimize your's "pain" and maximize your's gain, navigating dangerous and unknown waters of internet moneymaking. Second is: "you can't make something from nothing". If you just want to earn small amount of money (again, who want little money? Think BIG), you need to know how to do it properly. In this blog I will share mine experience with you, hoping helping as much people I can to grab his/her share of that HUGE cake called Internet.

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